New Frontier SC
Want To Play For New Frontier SC?
Our Performance Stream is designed to provide talented and committed young adult players with a competitive platform to showcase their skills and compete at the local and provincial level. The program focuses on developing players through structured training, competitive match play, and a supportive team environment.
New Frontier SC serves as the flagship team of our club, leading by example and inspiring future players to embrace teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship both on and off the field. The program is led by our Performance Phase Lead, and Ex Pro, Kevin Francis.
One of the key goals of the program is to provide aspiring collegiate players the opportunity to play up and test themselves against competitive Adult Teams.
We help guide players on:
Finding the Right College
Financing Education
Academic Requirements
The Recruitment Process and More
Our Men’s Teams are registered with Calgary United Soccer Association.
We are actively seeking players to join our Women’s team.
Please contact us to register your interest for one of our teams.