Do I need to register each child separately?
Each child must be registered separately, even if they are born in the same birth year.
When is payment due? Is full amount required at time of registration?
Payment will be taken at time of registration unless you would like to pay via installments.
In this case, select the ‘payment plan’ option at registration. You will be be able to choose from our flexible payment plan options.
Can I pay by cheque or etransfer?
If you would like to pay by cheque or etransfer please reach out to us at info@nfcalgarysoccer.com
Do you offer payment plans/financial support?
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to play our great game. Please contact info@nfcalgarysoccer.com to discuss payment plan options.
In addition to our flexible payment plans, we have partnered with Kidsport and Jumpstart. These programs offer grants to help cover the costs of registration fees, pay for equipment etc. Email us for more details.
What is the clubs refund policy?
A refund of 100% will be given if we cannot place your child in their age group (U11 - Adult). We will assist in working with other clubs to find placement on a team within CMSA. Refunds will not be given after team placement.
How are teams formed/what is player evaluation process?
Initial player placement will be guided by collecting information on a player's playing history (months/years played and at what level). After the registration deadline, players will be invited to 1-2 training sessions with their peer group. Final player placement will be made after these sessions.
Can my child play on same team as their friend?
In our U4-U8 program we will try to place players in teams with their friends where possible. Please reach out to info@nfcalgarysoccer.com to submit a friend request.
I missed the registration deadline, is it too late?
If online registration has closed, please email info@nfcalgarysoccer.com. Please specify which age group you wish to register in and we will do our best to accommodate.
Why do fees vary between tiers?
Fees vary as the level of commitment and contact hours with players differ between each tier.